Credit Report Wave Cash/Credit/Debit Cards By Credit Jennessy© March 02, 2021


Cash, Credit, and debit is all the same things but each has a different meaning. On topic if you have cash, you have credit, and if you have both cash and direct deposit, then you now have debit and credit.

Check out this website for cash cards or credit cards, after or before you checked your credit report score, it makes no difference. Allow yourself growth and budget. To start out on the right foot, Don’t spend what you do not have in your bank account.

Click here for great Reliable cards selection on website. By Credit Jennessy©  

DEFINITIONS By Credit Jennessy March 02, 2021

Debt – A modern form of slavery.

I have to buy a car so I can get to work. I owe about 10,000 on it. Now I have to work to pay for the car, gas, and insurance. … cycle continues through life until one decease.

Credit – It can be the worst money too or it can be a great money toll. Credit/Debt is cash and cash is credit/debt; without one you can’t have the other.

Open and Close Date – By law, credit card companies have to tell you the Opening Date and Payment Due Date, but Closing Date is optional. For example; all the charges made from 19 Jan 2015 to 18 Feb 2015 is part of one statement. All the charges on that bill is due 15 Mar 2015.

Direct Deposit – The electronic transfer of a payment directly from the account of the payer to the recipient’s account.

FCRA – The Fair Credit Reporting Act- The FCRA is a federal law, codified at 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq, governing the use of consumer information obtained by consumer reporting agencies (“CRAs”), employers, and other entities. Although the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) was initially responsible for enforcing the FCRA, the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) has since become the primary enforcer of the FCRA.


Budget – Spending within a set limit, and not going apeshit with the credit card and bad checks.

Payment Plan –  Enables you to divide your balance due into multiple installment (part of a series) payments instead of paying in one lump sum.

Finance – The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.

Lease – Usually a program to buy  something you give payments of money to keep the object for a while but not actually buying.

Loan – A thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.  “(this is a stick-up, gimme yo money)”. ( in my duval voice….) Smile!

Bills – Something that must be payed.  Or sometime able to make on-time arranged payment plans.

Debt Collectors – The person who uses force to collect on an unpaid debt.

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Monitoring – Observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review.

FICO Score – A person’s credit score calculated with software from Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). The most commonly used  credit score. The name comes from the Fair Isaac Corporation, which developed the scoring model. They are used to predict the likelihood that a person will pay his or her debts. The scores use only information from credit reports.

Investment – The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.

Producer – A person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.

consumers – Derogatory term used to describe the buying public, or purchaser of a product. Use of the word is prolific (average) in the business world, quickly replacing the more respectful term,  “customer”.

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Banks – A financial institution designed to nickel and dime its members to no end. Banks complain about Credit Unions (CU) because they are “not for profit” and subsequently do not have to pay taxes. However despite the competitive nature of banks and credit unions, banks have not suffered any loss in profit. On the contrary, banks have enjoyed record breaking profits increasingly each year. Banks will always be finding new ways to take your money to increase their profits.

Also a financial establishment that invests money deposited by customers, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency.

Equity –  (Law) A branch of law that developed alongside common law in order to remedy some of its defects in fairness and justice, formerly administered in special courts. The value of a mortgaged property after deduction of charges against it. Commonly Used: Value, Worth, Ownership.

Flipping – Move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement. If you flip something you make a profit out of it. 

Homeowner – The legal owner of a home. commonly Used Words: Landlord, Mortgagee, Owner. 

Property – Goods, land, etc., considered as possessions, A piece of land or real estate.

Real Estate -A word used by estate agents in the U.S. It means you are of a social class higher than people who just own a house.  Real property, and available space/capacity. 

Source* Urban Dictionary* Merriam-Webster*Trepanier MacGillis Battina P.A.©

Click here for great reliable cards selection on website. © By Credit Jennessy May 02, 2021