A Special Debt Collector Client

Creditreportwave.net By CreditJennessy March 26, 2024©

Isn’t this the feeling you get when a debt collector call you ? keep watching and realize.

Many Americans struggling with managing their debt become frightened to pick up the phone because of debt collectors. You’ve probably heard stories about deceptive debt collectors, and you may even have been a victim of a scams delaing with debt collection. But you’ve probably never heard anything about what it’s like to be working in collections.
Warning: The guy in the video; I do not know and  this person. This is what he did, I never knew to do. This made me laugh!

Helpful video, when speaking to someone, do not give away your information over the phone to who you may not know. Including a debt collection agency, to prevent identity theft, or a situation you could fine yourself vulnerable.

Creditreportwave.net By Credit Jennessy March 26, 2024©

Source: YouTube*LeRoy Thompson©