I am the youngest of six and at the moment I work for my mother as her health care assistant and home school my eleven year old daughter. I have always been actively into computers, So I am my own creator business website and more.
Computers was introduced to me as a chand my father was a computer teacher, Working with the homeless. He worked both at the House of Charity-https://houseofcharity.org and The Salvation Army- https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/northern/HarborLightCenter. I have the experience to work with and Sharing and Caring Hands with the wonderful MaryJo Copeland-https://sharingandcaringhands.org/, Part of the inner city of Minneapolis. All are accepting donations. My Father taught weekly classed Monday through Friday and eventually sometimes weekends. I learned then all about computers. How to work printers, reset the system, and type being around them I had no choice! It taught me a sense of comfort and confidence. I noticed it while working on computers from school projects later in high school.
While in college I worked as a waitress. I used POS computer with these systems, This allowed communication between the customers, servers, and cooks. This system I also found myself using very well and easy to navigate. Over the years I continued working, I also worked for the hospital as a nutrition dietary for patient services.
There they had iPads that we collated for feasting. This information was one of the most important things when dealing with patients you would not want to cause death of something going wrong.
I wanted to help a bunch of people and taking up healthcare was my goal to not only be more informed, but more positive then I considered to be. I graduated from an training course the summer of 2016 as a CNA certified nursing assistant and CHW community health worker.
I decided to run my business as the creditreportwave.net to better help my community and others learn about healthy financial tools and strategies. I was able to help myself and others figure out what debt was wrongdoing. I notice not only diabetes and heart disease is affecting my community in America, Its also Financial freedom, Speaking on financial freedom includes wages and income within certain areas, seen as disparities. The problem is not being expertise on investments but expertise on yourself and the culture. I will be glad to explain to you tips and strategies to help you better succeed when you budget. It is very critical that you make a list and learn not to buy what is not on your list, This is now your new principal.
CreditReportWave.net By Credit_Jennessy©
March 01, 2022
Quote: *wholeheartwomen.org
TIME magazine: *Eddie S. Glaude Jr.
Acknowledge your Credit Report

I Improve my Credit Score +236 Point and because of it, is why I’ve been on this wave!
Study yourself and the history of your people, culture and family accomplishments is all important to be as successful as you possibly can. Don’t worry, If you are estrange from your love ones and can’t think of anyone. A mentor will be fine.

Over the years I’ve sucked at taking notes and that was a tough moment for me. It is important that you know your way to take notes. Stay focus or interested without distractions.
Having a daughter I believe more and having a stronger spiritually belief. This for me acts as a form of a therapist. My personal counselor. If your wondering; I have taking time out to talk to a professional as well. It help majorly. trust!
Self educate as much as possible. Look into taking classes or a training course. In America there are many good paying jobs without a degree; like plumbing, medical assistant, electrician, commercial pilots, post office, funeral service director, and dental hygienists. True look into it, and these jobs pay as much as $70,000 or more a year.
Now days I got to say invest in whatever technology is offering as well as investing back into the world, There are ways you can make a living by doing things understanding the technology world. It could allow you and your family to live comfortable and in fact be able to give back to this amazing planet.
About Us

CreditReportWave.net By Credit_Jennessy© Marchr 01, 2022
“give yourself some credit because you’re doing great”.
CreditReportWave Strategies, Suggestions, & Tips Development
My name is Credit_Jennessy, This website is for education propose based on experiences, I’ve had working over the years. Starting at 16 I’ve had my own income. I realize people could use this information about managing expenses, minimizing space to have a neater environment, arrange negotiation methods for paying bills or speaking to financial institutions, also what you can do to protect you family legally all on Creditreportwave.net. To catch your attention. I can tell you a little about myself.
Here it goes; I am from a small place upper Midwest called Minnesota. Where I was born and raised. I would consider this my home for as long as I can take the cold. With weather being as low as -20 degrees below.
While warm inside I have been creating my own strategies for maintaining your credit. I always try to add new strategies every week on this blog.
Reviews & Giveaways
Every now and then I run groovy little competitions and giveaways, so be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can keep up with the latest tips and tricks and never miss out on hot free goodies!
The youngest of six and at the moment I work for my mother as her health care assistant and home school my ten year old daughter. I have always been actively into computers, So I am my own creator business website and more.
Computers was introduced to me as a child and my father was a computer teacher, Working with the homeless. He worked both at the House of Charity and The Salvation Army inner city of Minneapolis. Weekly classed Monday through Friday and eventually sometimes weekends. I learned then all about computers. How to work printers, reset the system, and type being around them I had no choice! It taught me a sense of comfort and confidence. I noticed it while working on computers from school projects later in high school.
CreditReportWave.net By Credit_Jennessy March 01, 2022©
Quote: *wholeheartwomen.org TIME magazine: *Eddie S. Glaude Jr.